



PastureN consists of MAB’s vial of freeze-dried nitrogen fixing microbes,

Bacillus microbe species and an amino acid formulation. It is used by producers who want to grow very high quality pastures with reduced nitrogen fertiliser inputs. It is used by high intensity pasture growers to allow reduced N rates without loss of Total Dry Matter (TDM) and with increased feed quality. It is used by low to moderate nitrogen fertiliser users to make a lower N rate perform like a higher N rate. It is used by organic pasture growers to supplement their other sources of N. And it is used by horse owners who need to grow the best possible feed quality pastures for their valuable horses.

Take some time to read the PastureN trials in temperate and tropical pastures and pay particular attention to the measurements of pasture quality parameters. Nearly all PastureN users need to grow high TDM, but for many it is the capacity to grow a higher grade of pasture that is the reason for their use of PastureN.

View these pdf's for more detail.

PastureN Kikuyu trial
PastureN Ryegrass trial
PastureN instructions
PastureN advertisement The Land
Pasture Eire Irish Trial